(Am să încerc o
scurtă prezentare în engleză a Munţilor Ciucaş, o superbă arie protejată din
Prahova şi Braşov, nu de alta dar vreau să introduc articolul pe nişte site-uri
străine, pentru o cauză nobilă cum e popularizarea naturii din România.
Precizez că am folosit materiale din studii ştiinţifice, oricum sunt lucruri
care ar trebui să intereseze pe oricine. Fotografiile nu-mi aparţin, dacă eram
în stare de asemenea poze, treceam la profesionişti! Autorul este un fost coleg, actualmente
pensionar, dl. Al.Brumărescu. Si sper sa scuzati greselile de exprimare, nu fac
chestia asta in fiecare zi.)
Romania shelters the last virgin and quasi-virgin forests and
the last large carnivorous populations of Europe.
And this is a fact!
want to speak you about a protected area situated on two counties territory,
Prahova (where I live too) and Braşov.
Although Ciucas is one of the smallest mountain massifs in Romania, there
is one of the most vigorous Romanian centers of biodiversity.
foto: Al.Brumarescu |
are part of a controversial unit of relief,
the most complex geological structure of romanian mountains, the
Carpathians arch. They are known and studied for their rich ruiniform
microrelief such towers, coloumns, niches, alveolus, lapies, small caves.
Ciucas were proposed for conservation, like a national park, since 1912, by a
forestry ingineer, but in present time these mountains are a Nature 2000 site.
foto: Al. Brumarescu |
conditions are diferent between the south and north mountainsides, so we meet
here many tipes of microclimates. This
is the most complex topoclimate area of Romania with one of the various
vegetation in the country.
Ciucas Mountains are on first place
in Europe with regard to the existence of Deroceras and Alopia snails wich have many
species and subspecies in that region. Some species are endemics , in other
words we meet them only in these mountains. Ciucas Mountains
are world genesis center of these species.
this area lives a few species wich are glaciar relicts from ice age: a snail
named Helicigona, a butterfly- Erebia, the mountain cock, the Chamois (black
goat) wich was disappeard in these mountains and reintroduced in 1975-1976 (12
individuals from Bucegi Mountains) and it is the biggest among the geografical
races of the specie. It is a steppe element. The mountain cock (Tetrao
urogallus) is a bird wich depends on the resinous forest existence. Only the
female is legal protected. It is an element of siberian taiga.
forests stretch up to 1500 m altitude and give shelter to 373 plants species (8
% of national inventory). The virgin forest is habitat for the large carnivorous: brown bear, lynx, wild
cat, wolf and for many other animals: vipera snake, deer, red fox, tree marten,
stone marten, commun marten, polecat. In Prahova county, in 2012 were evaluated
311 bears, 98 wolfs, 41 lynx and 163 wild cats.
foto: Al.Brumarescu |
the total area of Ciucas
Mountains of 22000 ha
(220 kmp), the state forest patrimony covers a surface of 15000 ha (150 kmp).
The ecosystems are preponderantly natural (77%); as compared to the specific
average of the national forest fund, the local abundance is higher up 211
times. The beech-hornbeem forest has the highest ecosystemic function because
shelters the greatest number of vegetal species. The carpathian spruce forest
were studied like a taiga area because shelter birds species wich are commun
for siberian taiga: little owl, mountain wood-pecker.
foto: Al.Brumarescu |
The natural forests (virgin forests) are defined as
resinous and broudleave stands with a mean age of over 95 years. From the last
tracks of fabulous virgin forests, there should be mentioned those consisting
of pure and mixed tree stands of fir,
beech, spruce, with relict clusters of Taxus baccata, as well as tree stands of
unusual dimensions for the precarious local ecological conditions. In the
field, the distribution of these forests was maintained in the inaccessible and
hardly accessible places from the blocked basins and quasivirgin steep slopes
around the mountain bare lands.
foto: Al.Brumarescu |
So, give a look to these photos and judge yourself…and
remember! This is just one of many and many wonderful places of Romanian
foto: Al.Brumarescu |